


1 – General Competition Rules


1.1 – CLUB RESTO MY RIDE INCORPORATED (ABN 81 620 351 799) also known as Resto my Ride may conduct competitions from time to time pursuant to which prizes are made available to eligible persons (as set out in 2- Eligibility) (“Resto my Ride Competition”)

1.2 – These rules say who is eligible to enter a Resto my Ride Competition, how prizes will be awarded and how they may be claimed (“General Competition Rules”). In addition to the General Competition Rules, other specific terms and conditions may also apply to particular Competitions (“Specific Competition Details”). Any Specific Competition Rules applicable to any individual Resto my Ride Competition will be posted on club.restomyride.com.au (“Website”)

1.3 – General Competition Rules provide Terms and Conditions and Specific Competition Details provide detail for certain competitions and draws.

1.4 – A person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition agrees to be bound by:

(a) the General Competition Rules; and

(b) the Specific Competition Details

1.5 – Specific Competition Details will be noted separately and will include prize details, values, start and end dates, draw dates, winner notification method and delivery or pick up requirements

2 – Eligibility

(a) must be a current resident of Victoria.

(b) must be 18 years or older at time of entry.

(c) must not be an employee, officer, servant, agent or associate of Resto my Ride or a direct family member of a person referred to in paragraph above (for this purpose a direct family member is taken to include a spouse, parent, child or sibling)

(d) Resto my Ride reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to accept entries which are incomplete, incorrect, indecipherable, offensive, do not comply with these terms and conditions or which contravene any applicable laws or regulations

3 – Competition Entries

3.1 – Resto my Ride may in its absolute discretion accept entries in a Resto my Ride Competition by any of the following means:

(a) QR Code entry at a live event;

(i) entries at live events may be the only method of entry for that contest via QR code. The drawing will be based on the giveaway from the event only and not related to any giveaways on the website;

(b) through the Web-Site, via membership purchase or online entry form; and

(c) by any other means, and using any other technology, that Resto my Ride (in its absolute discretion) thinks fit.

3.2 – If multiple entries are permitted, each entry must be unique and submitted separately.

3.3 – Resto my Ride may prescribe the means by which it will accept entries in a particular Resto my Ride Competition. Resto my Ride is under no obligation to accept entries by any or all of the means described above.

(a) a person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition:

(i) may be required by Resto my Ride in its absolute discretion to participate in any promotional activities selected by Resto my Ride in its absolute discretion for the benefit of Resto my Ride (including, without limitation, participating in a sound recording, photograph, video or film session); and

(ii) must not participate in any media activities (including without limitation any activity involving radio, print, television or the internet) for the purpose of, or which involves, discussing, commenting on, expressing a view of or giving an account of Resto my Ride, its operations, its related bodies corporate or a Resto my Ride Competition without the prior written consent of Resto my Ride.

(b) a person who participates in promotional activities referred to above must express a positive view (and refrain from expressing a negative or disparaging view) of Resto my Ride, its operations, or the Competition.

3.4 – Resto my Ride Competition entries and material submitted in connection with any Resto my Ride Competition (whether in written, audio, electronic, visual (still or moving) or other form, or any combination of them) or any photographs, video, film footage or audio recording taken of a person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition, together with any intellectual property rights associated with them, are at all times the property of Resto my Ride. Resto my Ride may use that material and any intellectual property rights in it in any medium and in any manner it sees fit. For the avoidance of doubt, copyright in any such material becomes and remains the sole property of Resto my Ride.

3.5 – Resto my Ride may publicise, broadcast or otherwise disclose the name, character, likeness, statements or any recording of the voice of a person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition in advertising or promotional activities concerning a Resto my Ride Competition, or for any other purpose. Resto my Ride may promote or advertise that a winner has won a prize in a Resto my Ride Competition in any form and in any medium it thinks fit.

3.6 – A person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition may be required to submit personal or confidential information about themselves (including without limitation his or her name, address, telephone number, e-mail address (“Personal Information”) to Resto my Ride. Resto my Ride will treat any Personal Information obtained from a person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Resto my Ride may:

(a) record and use the Personal Information for its own marketing, planning, product development, promotional and research purposes;

(b) use a third party company for the purpose of processing and conducting the Competition; and

(c) refuse to accept any entry which does not contain all or any of the Personal Information requested by Resto my Ride.

3.7 – A person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition releases from and indemnifies Resto my Ride from and against, all liability, cost, loss or expense arising out of acceptance of any prize or participation in any Resto my Ride Competition including (but not limited to) personal injury and damage to property and whether direct, indirect, consequential, foreseeable, due to some negligent act or omission, or otherwise

3.8 – In order to win, entrant must not opt out of Resto my Ride marketing communications before end of competition.

4 – Prizes

4.1 – Prizes in a Resto my Ride Competition will be awarded in the absolute discretion of Resto my Ride

(a) the first valid entry randomly drawn will win the prize. The Promoter may draw reserve entries in a prize draw and record them in order to use in the instance an invalid entry or ineligible entrant is drawn, or if a prize is not claimed in accordance with these Competition terms (Reserve Entrants)

(b) a person will be taken to have won a prize if he or she was verified and announced as the winner by Resto my Ride in the region or regions the contest was valid, irrespective of whether that person collects the prize within the prescribed period;

And the person;

(i) can demonstrate to the satisfaction of Resto my Ride that he or she is the winner of the prize (for example, by producing photo-identification, such as driver’s licence or passport);

(ii) is not prohibited by any rule of law from using or otherwise enjoying the prize for which he or she has been announced as the winner;

(iii) has complied with any request made by Resto my Ride under the General Competition or any Specific Competition Details which apply to that Resto my Ride Competition.

4.2 – Resto my Ride will, in its absolute discretion, determine the value of the prize won by a person in a Resto my Ride Competition during a time period.

4.3 – Resto my Ride reserves the right at all times and in its absolute discretion to withdraw an announcement that a person described above has won a prize in a Resto my Ride Competition for which he or she is ineligible; and can;

(i) disqualify the relevant person from the Resto my Ride Competition if they are not eligible; and

(ii) award the prize to another person.

 4.4 – The decision of Resto my Ride will be final and conclusive and no discussion or correspondence will be entered into.

4.5 – In the event that a winner fails to collect a prize within the prescribed time limit or chooses not to accept a prize, that person will irrevocably relinquish all rights, title or interest in the prize.

(i) any unclaimed prizes will be dealt with according to legislative requirements regarding the redraw of Competition prizes. Resto my Ride is under no obligation to notify a winner in person of the fact that he or she has won a prize or of the amount of time he or she has to collect the prize. At all times, it is the sole responsibility of the winner to collect his or her prize.

4.6 – There could be multiple ways to collect a prize. The type, size and value of the prize may determine the method of delivery. The prize could be posted or may require in person pickup.

(a) if the prize must be claimed in person. The winner will be advised of the location, and the time and date at which it can be collected;

(b) Resto my Ride may elect in its absolute discretion to deliver the prize to the winner by post or courier. However, no responsibility will be accepted by Resto my Ride for the safe and effective delivery of the prize. The winner accepts all risk in relation to the safe and timely delivery of the prize.

4.7 – Subject to acceptance by Resto my Ride in its absolute discretion, a winner may nominate a designated representative to collect a prize. The representative will be required to present written authorisation from the winner and produce photo identification which demonstrates to the satisfaction of Resto my Ride that he or she is the winner’s representative.

4.8 – If requested to do so by Resto my Ride, the winner of a prize under a Resto my Ride Competition must:

(a) sign a copy of the General Competition Rules and any Specific Competition Rules; and

(b) sign a form declaring that he or she has received and accepted the prize; and

(c) execute a Deed of Release and Indemnity in the form prescribed by Resto my Ride releasing and indemnifying Resto my Ride in respect of any liability of Resto my Ride in connection with the Resto my Ride Competition under which he or she has won the prize and any liability in connection with the acceptance, use and enjoyment of the prize.

4.9 – Any prizes won in a Resto my Ride Competition are not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

4.10 – All prizes are accepted entirely at the risk of the winner, and Resto my Ride excludes all warranties in connection with any prize (including representations as to merchantability and fitness for purposes) to the extent permitted by law.

4.11 – Resto my Ride, its officers, employees, servants, agents, affiliates, sponsors and representatives are not responsible for defective prizes or misuse of any prize, or for any claims, liability, loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) arising out of or in connection with any Resto my Ride Competition, whether caused by the negligence of any of the aforementioned or not.

4.12 – If a specified prize becomes unavailable, Resto my Ride may substitute a replacement prize in its absolute discretion. If the prize involves the winner meeting or attending a function with a celebrity or other figure, Resto my Ride accepts no responsibility or and shall not be liable because of the failure of the winner to meet that person for whatever reason..

4.13 – If a person who has entered a Resto my Ride Competition wins a prize in a Resto my Ride Competition, that person is responsible for any and all taxes payable as a result of a prize being awarded or received.

5 – General

5.1 – Resto my Ride may enforce the General Competition Rules and any Specific Competition Details in its absolute discretion. If Resto my Ride in its discretion decides not to enforce the General Competition Rules or any Specific Competition Details it will not give rise to any claim by any person.

5.2 – Resto my Ride reserves the right to regard itself as bound by the General Competition Rules and any Specific Competition Details as it sees fit and in its absolute discretion.

5.3 – Resto my Ride may extend the time for, vary or terminate any Resto my Ride Competition at any time in its absolute discretion. In the event of such termination, Resto my Ride may in its absolute discretion elect not to award any prize in respect of the terminated Resto my Ride Competition.

5.4 – Resto my Ride is not responsible for any circumstance that affects the drawing timeline, prize delivery or pick up during time of national disasters (nationally declared or otherwise) and other events out of our control.

5.5 – The Promoter reserves the right to vary the terms of, or cancel, the Competition at any time without liability to any entrant or other person, subject to applicable laws.

6 – Interpretation

Unless the contrary intention appears, a reference in this agreement to:

(a) (variations or replacement) a document (including this agreement) includes any variation or replacement of it;

(b) (reference to statutes) a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;

(c) (law) law means common law, principles of equity, and laws made by parliament (and laws made by parliament include State, Territory and Commonwealth laws and regulations and other instruments under them, and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them);

(d) (singular includes plural) the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

(e) (person) except where the context requires otherwise, the word “person” includes a natural person, a firm, a body corporate, a partnership, joint venture, an unincorporated body or association, or any Government Agency, and includes the person’s executors, administrators, successors, substitutes (including persons taking by notation) and assigns; and

(f) (dollars) Australian dollars, dollars, AUD, A$ or $ is a reference to the lawful currency of Australia;

(g) (calculation of time) if a period of time dates from a given day or the day of an act or event, it is to be calculated exclusive of that day;

(h) (reference to a day) a day is to be interpreted as the period of time commencing at midnight and ending 24 hours later;

(i) (meaning not limited) the words “include”, “including”, “for example” or “such as” are not used as, nor are they to be interpreted as, words of limitation; and, when introducing an example, do not limit the meaning of the words to which the example relates to that example or examples of a similar kind; and

(j) (Corporations Act) for the avoidance of doubt, a reference to the Corporations Act is a reference to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

7 – Jurisdiction and Choice of Law

7.1 – The General Terms and Conditions and any Specific Terms and Conditions are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State or Territory running the competition, within Australia. A person who enters a Resto my Ride Competition irrevocably agrees and submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.



Resto my Ride Ford Mustang Giveaway – https://club.restomyride.com.au/specific-competition-details/